I have to confess, in the day and age of being able to buy almost anything online, I had been a stubborn naysayer when it came to purchasing dog food that way. I did check out a few online stores, but always left convinced that I could find the same variety and better pricing at my local retail establishment. Even if that store was sold out of what I needed, I just substituted and went with a different store. Until, one day a month ago, I received a friendly invitation from one such online establishment to give them an honest try. “Mr. Chewy’s” is a rapidly growing dog and cat food/treat retailer I heard of before from people in the rescue community. Those who follow my blog know that I am a stickler for knowing what’s inside my dogs’ food after losing three beloved animals to the tainted with rat poison food scandal five years ago. I regularly scour the web for forums, rumors, reviews and opinions. I make note of any brands that make mine and foster dogs fat, irritable or lethargic. I regularly torture my vet with questions about any latest research. So, given the opportunity to buy dog food through Mr. Chewy’s with a coupon for $50 in return for a sincere review, I considered it and then immediately looked up the quality of food they offer.