The ballad of Wilson and Libby or how two abandoned dogs became lifelong companions

Libby -The Before
Wilson -The Before
The story of Wilson and Libby, ironically, began on the brink of their death in the state of Maryland. A few days before the shelter was to put them down due to space limitations, that shelter's director sent out a pleading email message with pictures to as many local rescues she could asking them to save three small adorable dogs. Having received that email from my foster coordinator, I agreed to take all three, if no other foster stepped up even though I  usually foster only one dog at a time. So, that very Saturday, Wilson (the puggle boy) and Libby (a dachshund mix girl) and a Boston Terrier mix girl named Nene were transported to safety of HART's Adoption Fair in Chantilly, VA and then my house. Nene went to a different foster. The two, I was told, never met before and didn't have an opinion about
each other while on transport from hell either. But, things have started to change in a few days when they realized that they were closest to each other in age (important to dogs) and disposition (important to people), which resulted in them playing almost non-stop everywhere. And by playing I mean an all-out wrestling match that entailed tugging on tails, ears, occasional toys, legs and making lots and lots of noise. In fact, when playing, Libby sounded like a velociraptor in Spielberg's "Jurassic Park", so there was no confusing that activity with anything else! Seeing that kind of connection, I began to hope they get adopted together, but 
it was not to be. A his first adoption fair, Wilson 
Libby - After
Wilson - After
was a perfect little gentleman with a crazy need to chase and lick as many little children's noses as he could, whereas Libby, appearing shy and demure in public, acted like a gang leader of an all girls gang in private. Naturally Wilson, was applied for and adopted first by a lady with another puggle. Libby, having a more complex personality, now alone sulked around the house for the whole week, until it was her time to hopefully get herself adopted by her own family the following Saturday. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that Wilson was returned that very day due to a sudden
incompatibility with that lady's existing dog! Oh, how did the two jump around when reunited! This time I was even more determined to get them adopted together. 

A week after a lovely family noticed Wilson on the HART's website, but quickly realized that the two had formed a bond, and asked for a day's worth to consider taking them both or not. Imagine going from one quiet cat with two children, ages 5 and 9 to that cat plus two rambunctious teenage dogs together with two children, ages 5 and 9? Wilson and Libby, by that time had grown even more fond of each other. Wilson started to protect her from strange dogs and she groomed him in return. He would let her eat his food if she felt like it, and readily gave in while at play, even though he was the stronger of the two. She shared her toys with him and the two would fall asleep literally "holding" paws. 

Can you imagine my joy when the call came in confirming the family decided to take both? What a happy ending to a love story that started during a break from "prison". And even if nobody knows where the two came from, we are certain they going to stay together thanks to their wonderful new family.
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